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BRaWL - Free to Join! - Free to Play!

Collect Sticker-Certs & Rewards to keep track of your Characters story!The Board Role-playing & War-gaming League (BRaWL) runs all types of games, and lets players earn rewards, in the form of BRaWL Tokens, which are redeemed for special items, powers and abilities.

BRaWL is a Casual Organized Play System for the game of your choice. With very little guides and requirements, BRaWL gives the power to GM's and players, to have fun and 'Just Play'!

BRaWL is not specific to any one game, company, convention or game store. Instead we offer players a chance to join in and play in all varieties of RPGs, War-games and Board Games. BRaWL games can be run in either private, public or online settings!

Board Gaming

BRaWLers Enjoying a Role-playing Game

BRaWL Board Games are rich and varied. Most involved recreating battles from history. Others give players a chance to build and compete against each other in different markets, or empires. All spur imagination and take us to places and times so we can be part of action!

BRaWL offers players a chance to enjoy all Board Games. New, Old, Wierd or Common.


BRaWLers Enjoying a Role-playing Game

BRaWLers play a variety of Role-playing Games (RPGs), old, new and no longer published. Most of us have been playing RPGs for more than a decade (or two, or three) and are always looking for new players to that want to adventure with new friends.

War Gaming

Old Classic War Games! Dust them off, play with friends!War-gamers are modelers, painters, tacticians and strategists. BRaWL War-gamers have invested a huge amount of time and resources in their chosen game. Sometimes those War-games have faeded away, making room for new models, and new game systems. While BRaWL supports all types of games, we have a special place in our hearts that we hold for those miniatures of War-games that may no longer be in the spotlight. We work to put players of these old War-games and new together, so that we can continue showcasing our work, and fine tuning our strategies.